PASSDA - Production and Archive of Social Science Data

Project Title:
PASSDA - Production and Archive of Social Science Data

Start and End of Project:
2017 to 2020

Chief Investigator:
Pedro Magalhães (ICS-ULisboa)

Coordinator at CAPP:
Pedro Goulart

Research Team

Nome do Investigador Filiação Institucional
Jorge Vala
Alice Ramos ICS/ULisboa
Pedro Moura Ferreira
Pedro Magalhães
Marina Costa Lobo
José Manuel Mendes
João Paulo Dias
Nuno Almeida Alves Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Rosário Mauritti Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Anália Torres
Fátima Assunção ISCSP/ULisboa


Sigla  Entidade Parceira
ICS Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa
CES Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra
ISCSP Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas
IUL Instituto Universitário de Lisboa



PASSDA links the national component of two existing European infrastructure and in which Portugal is integrated: the ESS-ERIC, oriented to the production of data on behavior, attitudes and social change; and CESSDA-ESFRI, oriented to the data file of international scientific research.

- PASSDA will be a key infrastructure to enhance innovation in particular with regard to comparative and longitudinal studies on relevant social issues, and the internationalization of social scientists through their integration in major international networks of social sciences related to the collection, analysis and data archiving (ESS, ISSP, EVS, ESS, CESSDA). Integrating these networks facilitates participation in H2020 projects, the increase in international publications and access to users from other countries to data collected in Portugal (eg in the case of ESS: 95,000 users).

PASSDA is an open access infrastructure: national data social studies based on rigorous research methods will become available for academic and non-academic. Similarly, data on the national reality in the international context will also be accessible to the entire academic community, researchers and students, and political and business decision makers.

- The environment offered by PASSDA will contribute to the methodological development and innovation in the areas covered by it.
- To make effective its action, this infrastructure will provide training in the field of data production, advanced data analysis methods, and building databases.
- Related to guidance for the social impact of infrastructure, dissemination of results of activities will be promoted to non-academic audiences, including public and private decision-makers.
- The objectives of the infrastructure and the issues it addresses correspond to the main axes of the 'societal challenges' of H2020 (e.g. health and welfare; food security; energy; environment; inclusive, innovative and reflective societies); and some of the priorities of ENEI, specifically RLVT and RC (e.g. health and quality of life, food processing, water consumption, relation with the environment, consumption and knowledge about energy, territorial innovation).

With PASSDA, the Portuguese social scientists will benefit from an infrastructure that will feed the continuing their research, promote interdisciplinary, methodological exchange and internationalization, key factors for the development of scientific and technological system. To achieve these goals the entities integrating the project will link the areas of expertise in order to build a coherent infrastructure and able to mobilize significant sectors of the Portuguese social scientists. This articulation will be accomplished through an integrative management plan for the diversity of institutional skills.