Scientific Articles - CAPP Outputs


(provisional data)

Calca, P. & Ruel, T. (2023). Setting up institutions in multilevel states: Assemblies, parties and the selection of candidates. Party Politics 0(0).

Carvalho, M., Cunha, S. Teles, H. & Ribeirinho, C. (2023). Secondary traumatic stress in portuguese social workers. Social Sciences 12(4). 

Catarino, J. & Pereira, P. (coords.). (2023). Fiscalidade internacional – Questões atuais. Almedina.

Ferreira, M. (2023). A language spoken with words: Decolonization, knowledge production and environmental injustice in the work of Abdulrazak Gurnah. Journal of Narrative and Language Studies, 11(21), 130-143.

Ferreira, M. (2023). Not yet a global health paradigm: A scenario-based analysis of global health policies. In Horn, L., Mert, A. & Müller, F.(Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of globl politics in the 22nd Century (161-179). Palgrave macmillan. 

Freire, A., & Ruel, T. (2023). Regional elections in Portugal: Madeira (2019) and the Azores (2020): the two-way spill over between national and regional politics. Regional & Federal Studies.

Keleman, P.J., Sá, R. & Temudo, M. (2023). Rooted in the Mangrove Landscape: Children and their ethnoichthyological knowledge as sentinels for biodiversity loss in Northern Guinea-Bissau. Ethnobiology Letters 14(2), 10-21.

Marques, C., (2023). Desenvolvimento territorial integrado: a aldeia como habitat e unidade base de ativação do espaço rural. Finisterra Revista Portuguesa de Geografia 58(122).

Marques, I., Leitão, J., Ferreira, J.& Cavalcanti, A. (2023). The socioemotional wealth of leaders in family firm succession and corporate governance processes: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 29(1), 268-296.

Ribeiro, C. & Sebastião, S. (2023). O pacto ecológico europeu e a comunicação pública das alterações climáticas. Estudo de caso da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa. Media & Jornalismo 23(42), 125-145.

Sebastião, S. (2023). Rhetorical documentaries and the Arctic: raising awareness about the destruction of a natural global common. The Polar Journal 13(1), 126-145.

Secchi, L., Cavalheiro, R. & Baumgarten, C. (2023). Collective mandates in Brazil: Democatic innovations to boost participation in legislature. Journal of Representative Democracy, 1-25.

Secchi, L. Reinecke, L. & Narzatti, W. (2023). Public policy formulation in Brazil: Experimentation of policy analysis to combine graduate teaching, research and outreach. In: Lisboa, E., Gomes R.C., & Martins, H.F. (Eds.), The brazilian way of doing public administration (pp. 205-217). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Seixas, E., Seixas, P., & Lopes, J. (Orgs.). (2023). O direito das crianças à cidade. Editora Mundos Sociais.

Seixas, P., Mendes, N. & Lobner, N.  (Eds.). (2023). The Paradox f ASEAN  centrality: Timor-Leste betwixt and between. Brill.

Teixeira, C. & Sebastião, S. (2023). A perceção das comunidades locais sobre a comunicação das empresas mineradoras em situações de crise e pós-crise: os casos de Mariana e Brumadinho, no Brasil. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico 29(2), 369-381.