Artigos Científicos | Outputs CAPP


(dados provisórios)

Albuquerque, F., & Santos, P. G., (2024). Can ChatGPT Be a Certified Accountant? Assessing the Responses of ChatGPT for the Professional Access Exam in Portugal. Administrative Sciences, 14(7).

Albuquerque, F., & Santos, P. G., (2024). Exploring ChatGPT's capabilities in solving accounting standards problems: the case of IAS 37. Cogent Education, 11(1).

Albuquerque, F., & Santos, P. G., Penha, E., & Silva, D. (2024). Assessing the stakeholders’ responses in public discussions of IPSASB standards from a cultural perspective. Public Money & Management, 44(5), 389-398.

Amorim, R., Baltazar, R., (2024). A Struggle for Place: African Migration to Europe in Paulo Moura's Passaporte para o Céu (2006). Comunicação Pública, 19(37), 1-16.

Arraes, J.P.S., Neves, R., & Bilhim, J. A. F., (2024). Planejamento estratégico setorial:instrumento gerador de novas ideias nas universidades. Observatório de la Economía LatinoAmericana, 22(9), 1-20.

Baltazar, A. H. L. & Catarino, J. R. (2024). A Teoria da Justiça de John Rawls e o sistema de alíquotas progressivas na tributação da renda das pessoas físicas no Brasil e em Portugal. Revista de Direito, 16(1), 1-32.

Baptista, J., & Costa, D., (2024). Insights from Portuguese LGBTQ+ Associations on Trans Population's Professional Integration. Social Sciences, 13(18).

Baptista, R., & Belim, C., (2024). To use or not to use artificial intelligence, that is the question: A study of artificial intelligence with strategic communication professionals in Portugal. MedieKultur, 40(76), 139-159.

Caetano, P., Mendes, M. M., Pinheiro, S., Mourão, S., Candeias, P., Magano, O., (2024). Teachers' perspectives on determinants of educational (under)achievement of Cigano/Roma students in Portugal. Intercultural Education, 35(5), 517-538.

Cruz, C., Cunha, M. J., Belim, C., (2024). Silenced Voices in Portuguese Public TV News: An Intersectional Analysis of the Representation of Women with Disabilities in RTP's Telejornal. Societies, 14(7), 1-20.

Cunha, M. J., Cruz, C., & Belim, C., (2024). Subjective well-being perceptions of Portuguese Public Relations practitioners: a gender and stages of life analysis. Journal of Communication Management.

Duarte, C., Leão, D., Duarte, G., (2024). Social Representations of Death: from research to intervention in health humanisation. Motricidade, 20(1), 45-52.

Duarte, M.G., Alves, T., Ribeirinho, C., Alves, S., (2024). Being an Informational Caregiver in Palliative Care. Motricidade, 20(1), 29-35.

Fonseca, V., Zózimo, R., Monteiro, M. H., (2024). Bioadministration: A Concept for Analyzing Human and Non-Human Organism Interaction in Organizational Studies within the Context of Longevity. Journal of Ecohumanism 3(6), 21-26.

Freitas, F. R. F., Freitas, A. S. F., Bilhim, J. A. F., Correia, P. M. A. R., Resende, S. A. L., (2024). A autonomia administrativa na área da saúde: O caso da região Autónoma da Madeira de Portugal. Revista Gestão em Análise, 13(3), 255-279.

Gomes, C., Santos, P. G., Martinho, C., & Pinho, C. (2024). Assessment of The Reliability of The Portuguese Republic Financial Report (2010 To 2019). Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 18(2), 1-16.

Goulart, P. V., Sobreira, N., Ferrittu, G., & Bedi, A., S. (2024). What Led to the Decline of Child Labour in the European Periphery? A Cointegration Approach with Long Historical Data. Social Indicators Research, 172, 765-801.

Hamerski, B., Secchi, L. (2024). Conselhos municipais e vinculações de decisões: um estudo em Porto Alegre. Dilemas - Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social, 17(1), 1-32.

Henriques, J., Luís, S., Rivero, C., Gonçalves, S. P., Tavares, L., Marujo, H., (2024). The Impact of Community Resilience, well-being, and community attachment on human service workers' burnout. Journal of Social Work, 24(3), 322-338.

Júnior, T. A., Bilhim, J.A.F., & Gonçalves, R.S., (2024). Agressividade tributária e risco de fraudes contábeis em empresas listadas na B3. Revista Ambiente Contábil, 16(1), 42-70.

Junior, J. F., Schaefer, B. M., & Barbabela, E. (2024). Redefining the Communication Dynamics in Bolsonaro's Brazil: Media Consumption and Political Preferences. Social Sciences 13(5), 245-264.

Keleman, P.J., Sá, R. M., Temudo, M. P., (2024). Drifting Away from the Roots: Genderfluidity as Diola's Mangrove Fishing Strategies in Three Island-Villages of Northern Guinea-Bissau. Human Ecology.

Leão, D., & Ribeirinho, C., (2024). The Dance as a professional self-care in palliative care. Revista Conhecimento Online, 2, 207-222.

Machado, L., Secchi, L., & Junior, M. (2024). The Impact of the Active School Search Campaign on Preschool Enrollment Rates in Brazilian Municipalities. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 16(6), 78-91.

Martins, M., & Nascimento, J. L. (2024). O impacto das recompensas não financeiras nas estratégias comportamentais, nocontexto da força aérea portuguesa. Revista de Ciências Militares, 9(1), 13-33.

Martins, P. (2024). Quando as Redes Sociais Digitais São Fontes Jornalísticas - Uma Abordagem a Códigos Deontológicos. Comunicação e Sociedade, 45, 1-21.

Mendes, A., R., Bilhim, J. A. F., & Costa, A., (2024). Contribuições da auditoria interna para a governança das universidades federais brasileiras. Revista onLine de Politica e Gestão Educacional, 28(0).

Meneses, N., Santos, P.G., & Pinho, C., (2024). Assessment of The Efficiency of The Territorial Administrative Reorganization of The Parishes of The District of Braga. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 18(3), 1-24.

Monteiro, S., Curate, F., Garcia, S., & Cunha, E., (2024). The Identification Potential of Atherosclerotic Calcifications in the Context of Forensic Anthropology. Biology, 13(2), 66-77.

Monteiro, J. M., Gonçalves, R., Bastos, A., & Barbosa, M. R., (2024). Social engagement and wellbeing in late life: a systematic review. Ageing & Society, 1-28. 10.1017/S0144686X24000011

Nunes. A. (2024). Vertical Integration in Healthcare and Patient Satisfaction: An Exploratory Analysis of Portuguese Reforms. Sustainability, 16(3).

Oliveira, J., & Carvalho, M.I., (2024). Art-based social work experiences in Portugal. Journal of Social Work Practice, 1-17.

Pereira, A. M., & Rodrigues, P. G., (2024). On the effects of infrastructure investments in Portugal: Revised. Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development, 8(8).

Ribeiro, M., Albuquerque, F., Santos, P. G., (2024). An Exploratory Study on the Accounting Choices of European Listed Entities under IAS 27. IBIMA Business Review.

Ribeiro, M., Albuquerque, F., Santos, P. G., (2024). Are the separate financial accounts also relevant? Assessing those accounts reported by listed European Entities. Cogent Business and Management, 11(1).

Ribeiro, M., Santos, P.G., & Albquerque, F., (2024). Explanatory Factors of the Accounting Choices for Investments Under IAS 27 of listed European Union Entities. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance.

Rodrigues, I., Severino, C., Mendes, C., (2024). Traditional or modern parents: The nuclear family and decision-making processes of students in contemporary China. International Journal of Chinese Education, 13(1), 1-12.

Ruela, M. J., Simão, J., & Almeida, F., (2024). Social Innovation and Sustainable Development: An Approach in the Portuguese Municipal Context. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship.

Sabino, A., Gonçalves, S.PCesário, F. (2024). Linking organizational cynicism to prosocial voice and defensive silence through the mediating role of bullying at work. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.

Sabino, A., Cesário, F., & Antunes, A. (2024). Linking toxic leadership to exit, voice, silence and neglect: the mediating role of loyalty. Management Research Review, 22(1), 18-24.

Sabino, A., Moreira, A., Cesário, F., Coelho, M. P., (2024). Measuring Sustainability: A Validation Study of a Triple Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Scale in Portugal. Emerging Science Journal, 8(3), 899-916. 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-03-06

Santana-Martins, M., Hernandez, M. I. S., Nascimento, J. L., Stinglhamber, F., (2024). Connecting leaders and employees' affective commitment: a multilevel analysis. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 45(6), 1048-1062.

Santo, P. E., (2024). Anticipatory approach to war and agenda building: a content analysis study of Portuguese press coverage of the Ukraine war (2014-2023). Frontiers in Political Science, 6.

Santos, P. M. (2024). Tackling Social Inequality in the City of Porto, Northern Portugal: Grassroots Horticultural Practices and the Desired City. Social Inclusion, 12.

Santos, P. G., & Albuquerque, F. (2024). Assessing the countries' convergence to IPSAS from a cultural perspective. International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 32(2), 181-206.

Sardeiro, L.S., Bilhim, J. A. F., & Gonçalves, A. O. (2024). A primazia do investidor e a marginialização discursiva no âmbito da estrutura conceitual da contabilidade. Revista de Gestão e Secretariado, 15(2), 1-33.

Sardeiro, L. S. M., Souza, P.V., & Bilhim, J.A.F (2024). Posicionamento Crítico e Social acerca do Índice ICO2 da B3. Sociedade, Contabilidade e Gestão, 18(3), 51-73.

Secchi, L., Caeiro, J. C., Pinto, R., R., & Sáez, M. A. (2024). Administrative reforms in Portugal and Spain: From bureaucracy to digital transformation. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 0(0), 1-19.

Silvestre, M. J., Gonçalves, S. P., & Velez, M. J., (2024). Slow Work: The Mainstream Concept. Social Sciences, 13(3).

Soares, R.M., Nunes, A. M., Heliodoro, P., Martins, V., (2024). Impact of research and development expenses on the profitability of assets: The case of textile and clothing industry in Portugal. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 22(1), 702-715. 10.21511/ppm.22(1).2024.55

Soto-Fernandez, I., Perez-Perez, J., Gómez-Cantarino, S., Frade, F., Frias, A., Palma, S., Dias, H., Aaberg, V., Castagnaro, E., Mecugni, D. & Fernández-Cézar (2024). Sex Education Actions at Universities: The Creation, Validity and Reliability of a Satisfaction Scale. Education Sciences, 14(3).

Tabaço, T., Albuquerque, F., & Santos, P. G., (2024). Do the European entities use impression management strategies in their messages on the Russia-Ukraine War. Journal Globalization, Competitiveness and Governability, 18(3), 69-86.

Valente, A., Hamerski, B. & Secchi, L. (2024). Passive Transparency in Brazilian Judiciary and the Socio-Educational Measures in Pandemic. Revista FSA, 21(8), 152-173.