Sandra Balão Appointed Portuguese Representative at the Social and Human Working Group from IASC

February 3rd, 2021

Investigadora SandraBalaoEN

CAPP's collaborator researcher Sandra Balão was appointed as the Portuguese representative at the Social and Human Working Group from the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) for the next 5 years, as a result of an international call.

It is the first time that the Social and Human Sciences will have a Portuguese representative in the respective non-governmental organization working group.

Following the integration of ISCSP at Colégio POLAR2E from Universidade de Lisboa in mid-2020, this appointment in early 2021 also presents itself as an opportunity for researchers to leverage and expand their research interests within the scope of polar studies, more specifically, those located within the Arctic region.

Consult the International Arctic Science Committee's Social and Human Working Group website here.