Call for Communications: 20th Edition of the Lisbon Group on Leadership and Organization Studies
February 1st, 2021
The call for communications for the 20th edition of the Lisbon Group on Leadership and Organization Studies will be open until February 28th.
The Lisbon Group on Leadership and Organization Studies is a space for the public and constructive debate on research in organizational contexts. Its main objective is to share what is currently being done, both on a national level as well as at ISCSP. Another objective is to foster the sharing and learning of new research methodologies, and with this in mind, we look for having researchers and students from ISCSP and other institutions.
The call for communications (500 words) will be open until February 28st. Following the example of the last edition, all Lisbon Group speakers will have the chance to write an article for publication at the Info RH website, from Instituto de Informação em Recursos Humanos. The sessions will start in March, on Fridays between 17h and 18h, via Zoom.
Submissions should be sent to the e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., using the downloadable form indicating the preferred date.